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2002-11-04 - 11:06 p.m.

very busy lately.

I need a big colorful rug for Chloe's room.

I need new linens for my bedroom. OH and some pillows.

What else?

I need this huge indonesian rug I saw at Kika last week, a tan and white woven one with tiny little thingies on it and small people barely noticable in the detailed stitching.

I need to put that rug in my living room.

OH! I need to get a chair for my computer desk. and some paint. It's unpainted.(the desk)

I need to find out who pissed in the plant in my office too. Plant-pissers, I hate them. Seriously, who would piss in my plant?

I need a power converter so I can play PS2 and watch DVDs.

I need to find a better bookstore than Libri. Or start ordering from amazon, I guess.

I need to go visit that ballet school on Wyssalyni Utca, and see if I can register Chloe for January. I am not even sure if I spelled that street right and it's the one I live at.

She loves ballet dancers on A&E, and loves her ballerina barbie, and the look on her face when she finds out she will be one too will be so great. I can't wait.

I need to find out a place to buy a kitten for her too.

went on a date with monika friday. She's my age (how old!) and a doctor. She's very athletic, and independent.

She's very pretty too. She doesn't seem to know this, which makes her even cuter.

We get along well I think. We went out, had some drinks, and saw About a Boy (in hungarian). Honestly, we speak two different languages, but it seems like we didn't have to pull out the dictionaries once (I always bring mine) and had a great night. Goodnight kisses at my apartment steps, promises to see each other again..all that.

It was just a good night.

Hi Justin!

Finally I received your e-mail, what you sent on Wednesday.

Maybe it has made some rounds(circles) in the sistem.

We'll have dinner together next time, if it suits you.

I would like to show you our opera, which we can do on weekdays only, the

V�rosliget, H�s�k tere (square of heros)any time or simply strolling in the

streets. And I'd like to dance with you, too.

So call me ,if you feel like and you have spare time!

Forgive me my mistakes, please!

Have a nice day!



Also, it snowed for the first time this morning.

Big flat flakes.

The roofs were covered in white, the streets were wet and shiny.

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this wall has no mortar
35 Years old. 1971.
Taurus. Year of the Pig. Oink
Greying. Dyes, on occasion.
Blue/Green/Grey Eyes.
5'11. Okay, 5'10
215 pounds of boy
dad. married father.
love, big fan of/in
day: sr proj manager
night: pro wrestler (grr)

Tyler Likes Games
Steven Cloud: Luminary
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